Sunday, 8 November 2015

Blankets - Voice and Tone

The voice of the author shifts throughout the story of Blankets. Quite often, the emotion that Thompson experiences is evident in the way he reflects on the events that occurred in his life. Thompson successfully manages to transition between pessimism and optimism depending on what stage of life he is in. Overall, the story progresses from being pessimistic about his lot in life and being fearful of committing sin, to Thompson accepting that his beliefs are different from those of his parents, and accepting his past.

The tone of the story shifts greatly when Thompson meets Raina. Raina becomes a light in the darkness for Thompson and, as is the case with many teenage romances, the focus of his entire life. This changes the tone from Thompson's constant pessimism to his hope and optimism about a life with Raina. The tone shifts back to pessimism when his expectations of his life with Raina deviate from what he imagined. At the end of the memoir, Thompson's tone is a more subtle, realistic optimism. He has accepted who he is, what his beliefs are, and he does not look at the future so negatively.

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