Blankets is structured in a semi-non linear narrative. For the most part, the story does follow a linear narrative, as it begins in Craig Thompson's youth, and ends in his adult years. However, throughout the story, especially in his teenage years, the story will flash back to when he was a child. These instances are rarely prompted, but are always contextually relevant. Sometimes events that weren't fully fleshed out at an earlier part of the story are finished later on though the use of a flashback.
The story also utilizes dream sequences and elaborate artistic visuals which take up entire pages to illustrate the emotion and thoughts Thompson had at the time. This can be seen on pages 569-571 where Thompson illustrates the intimate moment he experienced with Raina. This structure of pages show's the progression of his view on sexual contact out of marriage. On the first page, he believes that he is allowing himself to descend into hell by committing a sin. However, in the second page he is saved by angels, representing his acceptance that it is okay to feel the way he feels. The final page illustrates the celebration that he does not feel guilt for his actions and is happy to have experienced it.
The story also features a segment where the main narrative is cut with a story of Jesus. This story holds significance to what is happening in the narrative and partially occurred while Thompson was reading his bible.
These elements combine to make the story somewhat non-linear, however, overall the story is still told in a linear fashion.
SEX: Blankets P. 577-579
JESUS: Blankets p. 198-200
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