Sunday, 8 November 2015

Blankets - Purpose

The purpose of Blankets was for Craig Thompson to communicate the significant moments of his life, and in doing so, to inform his audience about the freedom of choice a person has to their own religion. Thompson discovered over the course of his life that the religion he was raised to believe was not for him. By deviating from his religious behaviour, he found that he was liberated from the horrible guilt he would feel from "sinning." Thompson wanted his readers to be aware that their religion is a personal choice, and that they have the right to worship in whatever way they feel is right.

I also believe that a smaller purpose for writing this memoir, was for Thompson to come out to his parents about his abandonment of Christianity. Thompson knew his parents would not accept this decision with kindness and that a conversation with them would go well. Thompson stated in an interview that he sent the memoir to his parent's after he finished writing it as a means of informing them of his decision. This lead to a period of tension with them, however they've since begun communicating again.


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